Monday, July 12, 2010

Interesting Facts #1 - Addis Ababa

There isn't really anything new on the adoption front. We are still waiting to hear back from the USCIS about when we need to get fingerprinted. While we wait, we are continuing to get paperwork together that we will submit for our dossier once we have USCIS approval. We are also "fixin' to" (as they say here in Texas) apply for several adoption grants.

But since there isn't much to report, we thought we would start a series of posts to provide you with some "interesting" facts, primarily about Ethiopia or adoption. We will warn you that what we (or perhaps just one of us) might think is interesting you may instead find dull and boring. Consider that our disclaimer and feel free to stop reading at this point.

For those of you still reading, thanks! Today we will be enlightening you with facts about Ethiopia's capital city. Addis Ababa means "New Flower" and is the largest city in the country with 3 to 4 million people. The city was founded in 1886 by Emperor Menelik II. It is located in the foothills of Mount Entoto at an elevation of 7,874 feet. Because of its high altitude and proximity to the equator, the temperatures are very constant from month to month. The average monthly highs range from 69 to 77 degrees and lows range from 46 to 54 degrees.

Addis Ababa has several sister cities around the world, including Beijing, China; Beersheba, Israel; and San Francisco, California. Some tourist sites of interest include the the National Museum, Africa Hall, the National Palace, Menelik Mausoleum, the National Library, Trinity Cathedral, and Mercato (one of the largest outdoor markets in the world), among many other interesting attractions. Hopefully we will be able to visit some of these attractions when we are in the country. After that we should be able to offer better suggestions of places to see and whatnot. For now we will just have to base everything on what we can find on the ever-reliable world wide web.

Well, we hope that you have learned something today (and maybe even found it interesting). Be on the lookout for more "interesting" facts coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. the capital Addis Ababa is a hub of Ethiopia and one of the most interesting cities in this country.


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