Thursday, September 9, 2010

Notarizing Nightmare

You wouldn't think getting things notarized would be that big of a deal. Especially when it is at the bank where you have your money...a place where you've even gotten things notarized in the past. And you would be wrong. It turns out that our bank has some kind of "policy" that prohibits them from notarizing personal documents. But isn't pretty much anything anyone would ever get notarized personal, at least to that person. Maybe it was just a woman on a power trip, but needless to say, if they didn't give us such a good interest rate, I think we would be moving our money elsewhere.

And the first place we would think about moving it is to the bank where we DID get our documents notarized. Turns out the notary there didn't think notarizing our 8 documents was a big deal. She was even excited for us and the fact that we are adopting. And we got it all taken care of Saturday morning, allowing us to have a relaxing weekend without worrying where we were going to find a nice notary.

So the bad news is that some people at our bank aren't very helpful. But the good news is that there are other nice people willing to notarize our documents. We just sent off copies of everything, all 33 pages of our dossier, to our agency for them to review. Once we get their okay, we will just need to get 2 of the documents certified at the Texas Secretary of State office in Austin, and then the whole thing will be off to Washington D.C. and then Ethiopia. We are one step closer.

1 comment:

  1. Dang. I am sorry about the stinky bank lady. If no one notarized personal documents, how would one adopt? Some people... But I am thrilled for YOU! You are much closer! Woohoo!



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