Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let the Madness Begin!

It’s official. We might be crazy. We both got second jobs in anticipation of adoption expenses. There’s also the slight problem of needing a new car, which our neighbor boys kindly reminded us of when they knocked on the door last month to tell us that our car was on fire. They apparently didn’t know the difference between "a little smoke” and “on fire”. All the same, good to know people are looking out for us in case our car ever is on fire.

Anyway, Jon is delivering pizza for Papa John's and Joy is a server at Genghis Grill. We drew a thermometer to color in as we earn tips. Working towards a goal is more our thing, unlike some of our other blogger friends who seem to enjoy deadlines. :-) We may have been a little ambitious when we made the thermometer, though.  We got it out to color it for the first time tonight and realized we hadn’t even made it up to the first notch. Alas, still freezing.

I will blame this crazy schedule on Dave Ramsey and his debt free propaganda.


  1. Can we see a picture of a thermometer?

  2. You guys are awesome.

    I might just have to make a thermometer to go with my deadline, too! (Or maybe a 50,000 link paper chain. Now that's an idea...)

    Also, it's neat to see that you're 6 months into your Lilypie timeline! Can't wait to see where you'll be in another 6 months!

  3. Oh my, you guys are hilarious. And inspiring. Keep it up waitress and pizza delivery man!

  4. Found your blog through a friend adopting from Etheiopa. We have two boys from Russia and are in the middle of adopting a girl from Bulgaria. I just had to comment because we are huge Dave Ramsey fan's too. A year ago we sold our property/house and paid off all our debt. We are paying for this third adoption with cash proceeds from our house sale (we live in a rental now) so that we could adopt again and pay off all the debt we built up from the first two adoptions. Being crazy is a good thing... Dave says that is how we know we are doing the right thing ;o) Well he uses weird instead of crazy.,. but ya know ..

    Congrats and God will send you rewards... its true what all of Dave Ramsey's callers say that they are blessed beyond measure when the debt is gone!


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