Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thank You!

We are so grateful for having such wonderful friends and family members in our lives! The flood of loving phone calls, emails, facebook messages, and blog comments have made this awesome experience even more unforgettable. Thanks to everyone (especially to those of you who started screaming when you found out)!

Our paperwork was submitted to Ethiopian courts yesterday, so our next stage of waiting has officially begun! In 4 to 8 weeks we should have an assigned court date. We are praying for a court date before the court closure.


  1. Oh- what blessed news on SO many levels! I'd love to share more about it - if possible email me at - I'm so thankful for your new family!
    I've been following your blog - and I"m at AAI as well.

  2. Ok- its Gail again - YOU are the woman I dreamed of holding Asnake! Its a story but I'm so happy for you! I want to cry

  3. Hello! I was told you were the family adopting Asnake and we would love to share with you our visit with him a few weeks ago! He is at our daughter's orphanage and we just fell in love with him! I'd love to chat and I took several email is:


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