Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Monasteries, Church Caves, and JFK

Here are some other pictures we forgot to include in our trip to the north. Ethiopia is known for many of its monasteries and we got to visit one before we returned to Addis. We were met outside by a Monk, took our shoes off and began the tour. He was a wonderful guide, very knowledgeable, was delighted by our questions, and could throw in some good jokes.  

The inside had stained glass windows depicting famous Saints of Ethiopia (who rode lions!), famous Bible stories, and some of the disciples. There were also a lot of paintings and other works of art. In the back was the chair where the Emperor used to sit when he would visit.  

Here’s one of Jonah. 

Then we got to tour the museum that was near the monastery. We were not allowed to take pictures inside, but learned a great deal about the Ethiopian orthodox church and its practices. This is also where we first learned of Ethiopia’s love for John F. Kennedy. In one glass case there was a gift from JFK that had been given to the patriarch of the church. Later in the trip we met a business man at the hotel and restaurant that he owned who told us JFK’s inauguration speech changed his life and proceeded to quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you....” Later still we went to the Ethiopia University Museum and saw the Kennedy Library.      

After leaving the monastery, our guide figured it was time for us to get some exercise. J We then hiked/climbed up a steep path up a mountain side. I seriously didn’t think we would all make it without injury as it was so muddy and treacherous at times. At the top was a church in a cave. We also saw where the monks who run the cave church lived and were told that once they go up they never come back down, even 50 - 60 years later.    

We rounded the day off by going out to eat and heading back into Addis where we got to meet our sweet Asnaka for the first time.

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