Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Boys!

 Ok, so we have been home for a week.  Surely we are rested up and back to normal enough to post, right?  Well, here are some pictures of our sweet boys. 

A few days of stress and court craziness was definitely worth it in the end because now they are officially ours (so that means we get to post pictures and more importantly, go back for them in a month)!  

On a side note, I dreamt last night that we were actually adopting 4 kids at once.  I was pretty much yelling the entire dream about how crazy we were. 


  1. I am in love already! They look so sweet and I cannot wait to meet them!


  2. I love this!! I am so amazed at how God orchestrated your story in ET! Love the pictures and am so excited for you all. :)

  3. Your boys are absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy they are YOURS! Asnake is just beautiful! VERY happy for you! CAn't wait to continue following it all! Asnake will always have a special place in our hearts, but he is so perfect in your arms!

  4. They are precious! And I think your dream is hilarious! :) It made me chuckle!


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